In an effort to ensure balanced participation in job assignments for our major events, we set up a system whereby all active accounts will be required to fulfill a minimum number of volunteer assignments. The intent is to encourage all members to play an active role in supporting the team's athletic and financial goals, thereby reducing the burden on those members who in the past have felt compelled to volunteer an unusually large portion of their time in order for our events to be successful.

A schedule of our short course meets and tent raising/take-down activities for the upcoming season will be posted. The dates of the meets that TWS will host will be included in this schedule. A great deal of work and a huge team effort will be required to ensure the success of our workdays. Thank you in advance for your efforts. All TWS members with active accounts will be asked to go to the website and sign up for positions based on the following criteria:

  • An active account is defined as the person(s) whose names are listed as parents/guardians for one or more swimmers that are participating and paying dues during the short course season.

  • Each active account will be required to sign up for a minimum of FOUR (4) separate job assignments for the entire season. For example, if Mom on one account signs up for and works 2 jobs and Dad on the same account signs up for and works 2 jobs, that account's obligation is fulfilled regardless of the number of swimmers on that account.

  • Accounts with members that presently fulfill the following roles in the organization will be exempt from the above requirements: Officials, Coordinators (i.e. Concessions, Hospitality, Meet Director, etc).

    For EACH JOB ASSIGNMENT a member account fails to sign up and work short of the requirement, a penalty of $50 will be assessed that account.

  • You may be allowed to have another member work any number of your assignments for you, but please bear in mind that it will be your responsibility to find a replacement. If another member works one or more assignments for you, you will get the credit for having fulfilled the requirement. No "extra credit" will be awarded the other member(s) that were involved.

  • If, during the course of the season, you find that you will be unavailable for an assignment for which you've signed up, contact the Meet Director to work out a swap with one of the other members.

    The job assignments that will need to be filled at the various events are the following:

  • Announcer

  • Concessions Worker

  • Information Desk

  • Hospitality

  • Runner

  • Timer

  • Tent Worker

  • Members may sign up for the position of 'Information Desk' only once per season. All other job assignments may be selected multiple times by a given member.

  • When signing up for jobs on the website, be sure to check one box per person you are
    volunteering. Example: If both Mom and Dad are volunteering as timers in a meet Saturday morning and Sunday morning, you will check four boxes, one per person per session.

  • Members will report in for their volunteer assignments by signing in at the information desk.

  • The deadline for all sign-ups is Sept. 30 of each year.

    Thank you all for your anticipated cooperation. All of your help ensures an environment conducive to the success of our student-athletes. Please stay tuned for the posting of the meet and activities schedules and job sign-up list.